It cannot be missed, our new Logistics Campus Eschweiler
Our Logistics Campus Eschweiler, in short LCE, is located in direct neighbourhood to the brown coal power station Weisweiler, the cooling towers of which are widely visible from the nearby motorway A4.
On our 186,000 square metres premises more than 106,000 square metres useable area is available. Our Logistics Campus Eschweiler represents a multi-user-concept, i.e. the area is quickly and flexibly at our cross-industry customers’ disposal. The combination of special building construction and technology constitutes a unique selling point. Besides a large surface for manifold intralogistics requirements, the location provides sophisticated security features as well as direct connection to the motorway.
Setting off for logistics 4.0
Still the Hammer GmbH & Co. KG is family-owned, managed by the second and third generation. Expansion and innovation are the characterizing features of the company.
Since 2018 the sub-title “advanced logistics“ has been included in our company logo and symbolizes our progressiveness and high level of development. The junior has taken over the baton from his father, who already 16 years ago, together with his business partner, Helmut Wintgens, 68, started to pave the way for transforming “Hammer Internationale Spedition, Transport + Logistik“ into “Hammer Advanced Logistics“.
The transformation took place from the forwarding and logistics company into a full-service provider of holistic and integrated logistics solutions. By means of the new LCE existing as well as new customers of the company are intended to be provided with these solutions in an even better way than before. An offer which is in great demand by our existing and also new customers of Hammer.
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