In particular for high-value and safety-sensitive goods it is absolutely essential, to prevent theft, damage or loss. Here tailor-made safety concepts are crucial for success.
With the four-stage safety programme of Premium Cargo you are offered a safe solution from one hand - from individual parts to full truck load. Safety standards exactly adaptable to your specific requirements around storage, packaging of assembly groups and transport guarantee you optimal safety in every phase.

TAPA FSR 2023 Level A and TAPA TSR 2023
Hammer GmbH & Co. KG has awarded the certificate of the TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association).
TAPA FSR 2023 Level A[PDF, 220 KB]
TAPA TSR 2023 [PDF, 220 KB]

Sealed quality through our AEO F-certification: high quality or safety management and simplified handling of customs formalities. AEO F is the most extensive variant of the AEO-certification
AEO F certification [PDF, 270 KB]
After detailed discussions on packaging, safety and transport optimisation our specialists will work out an integrated concept for you. From high-quality basic performances to excellent safety modules e.g. safety escorts by an accredited security service including direct delivery at any selectable time by our qualified personnel. This is the only way to rule out risky transhipments, hubs or waiting times.
Modular safety concept
Here you will find further and more detailed information in our brochure on the modular safety concept.
Modular safety concept[PDF, 17 KB]